Sunday, November 27, 2005

The Friday Five! (On Saturday)

Looks like quet a few weekly items were a bit late. For me, I spent a little bit of time out in the stores anyway. Further problems with my internet connection has really thrown me off. Here are my answers for Courage's Friday Five.

1. On what day do you celebrate Thanksgiving?
On Thursday, usually at our house with just the family. This year was at relative's.

2. How do you traditionally celebrate this food filled holiday?
Most of the traditional Thanksgiving foods. I spend most of the day cooking, something I really don't like but I've got to have that Thanksgiving food. The rest of the day is spent chillin'.

3. How do you like your stuffing cooked (in the bird, separately in a dish, store bought, etc.)?

4. What is your favorite dessert to eat on Thanksgiving and who makes it?
Usually the pumpkin pie I make. Otherwise too stuffed to eat deserts.

5. Can you name five things you are thankful for?
God's leading in my life, my husband, my kids, getting up everyday, and having a job

Friday, November 25, 2005

Weekend Assignment #87: Musical Conundrums

From By the Way... is the Weekend Assignment #87: Answer one or more of the following musical conundrums:

1. Who let the dogs out?
2. Why do fools fall in love?
3. If birds can fly over the rainbow, why then, oh why, can't I?
4. Do you hear what I hear?
5. How do you solve a problem like Maria?
6. How can you have any pudding if you don't eat your meat?
7. Listen, do you want to know a secret? Do you promise not to tell?
8. How long has this been going on?
9. I want to know, have you ever seen the rain? (Alternately: Why does it always rain on me?)
10. Does anybody really know what time it is?

(Yes, you can have silly answers. In fact, I encourage them!)

Extra Credit: Pose your own musical question.

My answer to number 1 - modified. Who let the dog in? Our dog stays in the backyard but sometimes gets out. Usually we find the board in the fence and fix it. One day I looked out to check on her and found another dog! How did it get in? We had no clue. The next day the dog's owner called to ask if his dog was again in our backyard and sure enough it was. We let his dog out and watched until the dog again went into the backyard.

My answer to number 4. The other day I got into the car and was listening to the CD left from my daughter. "I don't know who this is but I don't think I like some of these songs," I thought. The next day she got in and turned it up. "I just love this CD. Listen to this part." I started thinking that I was not hearing the same thing she heard without her pointing out what she heard. Do you hear what I hear? No, we all hear something different.

My answer to number 10. Not in our house. Some clocks are the right time, some are 10 minutes fast. My husband operates 10 minutes fast but it doesn't work with me. I know which clocks are fast and mentally turn them back.

Sunday, November 20, 2005

Sunday Seven - Episode 12

From Patrick's Weekender is the Sunday Seven.

THIS WEEK'S QUESTION: Name the top seven stores where you are most likely to do the majority of your Christmas shopping this year. If you can't name seven, name as many up to seven as you can. You can also include online retailers, too.

  1. WalMart
  2. Target
  3. Burlington

And because the teenagers will get money to spend at the mall that will cover the other four retailers. :)

Weekend Assignment #86: Thankfully Remembered

Weekend Assignment #86: Who are you thankful for -- who you won't be able to spend this Thanksgiving with? This is a chance to tell us about the people you care about who will be far away from you this holiday, or who have passed on but remain in your heart.
I am thankful for family. My husband is out of the country and my side of the family is mostly in Ohio. We'll spend it with my husband's side of the family though.

Extra Credit: Pumpkin pie vs. pecan pie -- which do you choose for Thanksgiving dessert?
I personally like pecan pie although our tradition is pumpkin pie.

Saturday Six - Episode 84

From Patrick's Weekender is the Saturday Six.

1. What was the last movie you watched at a theater completely alone? Would you have enjoyed it more or less if you had gone with someone to see it?
Hmmm - I've never done this one.

2. What was the last non-sexual thing you did around the house completely naked?
I had to run downstairs for something just as I was about to jump in the shower. But no one was home.

3. How well do you know your neighbors? Would you like to know them better or not know them?
I know who lives around us. We wave and speak but not in each other's business. It's fine as is.

4. Take this quiz: How much of a conspiracy nut are you?

You are 25% Conspiracy Nut

Locator Image!

You are a little bit of a conspiracy nut. You know about the big conspiracies - but it doesn't take up too much of your time. You have accepted that people lie, and get away with everything - so you don't dwell on the loch ness monster too often.

Take this quiz at

5. Of the following "conspiracies" mentioned in that quiz, which single one would you most like the "truth" about and why?
None. My religious beliefs are that no matter what happens, God has it under control. Things progress according to His plan.

6. If you had to create a slogan that defined your life, what would it be?
This one takes some thought and I can't think of a good one right now.

The Friday Five

This is my first meme in this journal. It comes from These are the Days of our Lives.

1. What is the one thing on your Thanksgiving table that you will NOT eat?
The turkey! I'm vegetarian.

2. Did you ever play in a pile of leaves as a kid? If so do you have a picture of you or someoneyou know playing in the fall leaves? Post it if you do!
Sure I probably did since we had a tree in our front yard. Don't have any pictures though.

3. When you think of Fall what are the three things that come to mind?
Snow; no sunshine; bitter cold; long evenings - That was in Ohio growing up.
No snow; lots of sunshine; not really cold; short days - That's in Texas now.
Ok, so there are four things but I never liked winter growing up. Much now where winter is just like an extended fall and there is now winter.

4. When was the last time you had pumpkin pie? Was it last year or have you already had some this year?
Not since last year.

5. Tell us something really nice about the last person you read an email from.
The last email would have been at work Friday. I haven't read my personal emails. I send out very few personal emails so I don't get many coming in.

Saturday, November 19, 2005

Starting Again

I'm starting a Blog in a new place. I've tried them several places including AOL. Some I like, some have something missing, some I just didn't like. I'm trying it out here since a lot of the people who left AOL came over here.

I am disappointed that AOL doesn't think enough of my monthly fee to not include Ads. Despite the noise, they don't seem to be listening. I followed a lot of the Journals there but commented little. I am in process of finding some and will stop lurking and start commenting. It's hard with my busy schedule to read them daily so it might be a week or two when I catch up. Anyway, it's a start here and I'll take it one day at a time.

Flower and Heart Sunlight Design

One evening my daughter looked at the designs on the neighbors house as the sun was shining through the leaves. "Mommy, get your camera." Here's what she saw.
A flower!

A Heart!
She actually had to show me where the flower was because I couldn't see it at first. The heart didn't come out as well but it did look like a heart.
She's part of the reason I started seeing more things in nature. When she was born for the first few weeks before going back to work, I would put her in the stroller, at that time the baby carrier that attached to the stroller, and walk around the neighborhood. I introduced her to nature by pointing out all the things she could see looking up: the birds singing, the sun shining, and the tree branches waving. At eight months on her first camping trip night I thought something was wrong because she kept looking up. I looked up to see that she knew the sky was different than she was used to in the city. She had actually noticed the stars! As she grew older, she noticed all bugs, picked flowers from the few in our yard to give to her daycare and school teachers or people she passed that morning. She has become quiet a nature lover still at 7 years old, although she doesn't pick flowers as much. And the questions, having to explain all the things she saw got me to noticing more nature details. I've been taking pictures since at least 10 when I received my first camera so it fit to take pictures of the things I saw. Then I discovered Photoblogs and was inspired to take more pictures. I'll post more of my favorites. Until next time!