Sunday, January 01, 2006

Weekend Assignment #92: Resolutions

Weekend Assignment 92 from By the Way: Do you Have New Year's Resolutions for 2006? If so, share one (or more, if you like).

Extra Credit: How did you do on your resolutions for 2005?

I don't exactly call them New Year's Resolutions but I have things I would like to accomplish for the year. These things can begin anytime during the year. This year I'd like to read the Bible all the way through starting where I left off in 2005; keep up with my devotional reading; be more organized.

I did somewhat OK with my 2005 resolutions which were prettly much the same thing. I read the Bible to the halfway point and got a lot out of it. I have about four devotionals to read in my 2005 book. I haven't gotten my 2006 devotional yet so those should hold me over. I did not get better organized; I went the opposite direction so I have to pull it back together. Think I'll start today.


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