Thursday, January 26, 2006

This is a test!

This is a test of whether emailing to my blog works.  Sometimes it’s hard to go into it so I want to see if this works.  Bye now.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Monday morning question

Monday morning question (from Krissy over at Sometimes I think - be sure to keep her and John in your prayers and thoughts)
Question: How old is the house, apartment, mobile home, etc that you are living in right now and is it too big for you, too small or just about the right size?

Our house was built in 1987 as a model home. We've been in it for almost 8 years. It is a little too small for us. We could use a guest bedroom, family room, and larger kitchen.

Your Monday Photo Shoot: First Photo of 2006

Your Monday Photo Shoot: Display the first picture you took in 2006. Couldn't be easier (unless the first picture you shot was, you know, one that would violate AOL terms of service. In which case, show off the first one that doesn't).

My first picture was of the kids washing the car (it was in the high 70s). While they were doing that I tried to take pictures of some bees. This was the first one of those pictures. The bee is in the center of the picture. Below is a another picture from the the set.

Monday, January 02, 2006

Sunday Seven - Episode 18

Don't think of them as Resolutions. Think of them as Goals or even just "Things You'd Like." But list up to seven things you hope to accomplish before 2006 draws to a close.

  1. Pay off all our credit card bills.
  2. Improve my wardrobe.
  3. Get better organized.
  4. Completely read the Bible through (I got halfway through in 2005).
  5. Completely read through my devotional book.
  6. Implement some home improvements.
  7. Spend more time with kids.

Saturday Six - Episode 90

Here are this week's answers to the " Saturday Six" questions from Patrick. Enjoy!

1. From a financial standpoint, was 2005 a good year or a bad year for you? Do you expect 2006 to be better or worse?
We had a bad time the first part of the year but it greatly improved the end of the year. I expect it to improve since following God's way to handle finances.

2. What was your least favorite moment of 2005?
Whatever it was I've moved on from it. I can't think of any major least favorite moments.

3. Did you lose anyone close to you in 2005? If so, who were they?

4. Take this quiz (if you haven't already!): What do you know about blogging?

You Are a Blogging Expert

You got 8/8 correct!

You know so much about blogging, you should blog for a living.

5. Where were you when 2005 began? Where were you when 2005 ended?
I was sleep at the start of 2005 and was at a party when it ended.

6. Did you make new year's resolutions for 2005? If so, how many did you keep?
I made them and mostly kept some of them.

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Weekend Assignment #92: Resolutions

Weekend Assignment 92 from By the Way: Do you Have New Year's Resolutions for 2006? If so, share one (or more, if you like).

Extra Credit: How did you do on your resolutions for 2005?

I don't exactly call them New Year's Resolutions but I have things I would like to accomplish for the year. These things can begin anytime during the year. This year I'd like to read the Bible all the way through starting where I left off in 2005; keep up with my devotional reading; be more organized.

I did somewhat OK with my 2005 resolutions which were prettly much the same thing. I read the Bible to the halfway point and got a lot out of it. I have about four devotionals to read in my 2005 book. I haven't gotten my 2006 devotional yet so those should hold me over. I did not get better organized; I went the opposite direction so I have to pull it back together. Think I'll start today.