Patrick's Weekender here are this week's questions. Either answer them in a comment here or answer them in your own blog and leave a comment here with the link to that entry. Enjoy!
1. How did you celebrate St. Patrick's Day?
All I did was wear green. I don't celebrate anything.2. What is your favorite green food?
Greens! 3. Other than Christmas or Thanksgiving, what holiday do you generally spend the most for when you celebrate it?
The kid's birthdays.4. It probably seems like winter may have already disappeared from this year based on the warm weather much of the country experienced this season, but if you had to eliminate one season entirely, which one would you choose and why?
I would totally eliminate winter. I've always hated winter so I'm glad I'm in Texas now. It is really bad spending about 7 months (counting fall and running past spring) with cold weather, especially when you have to layer on clothes.5. If you then had to replace the season you eliminated with one of the three remaining ones, meaning that we'd have six months of one season, which would you choose and why?
It would be spring. I love when the trees are budding and the flowers are coming up.6. How many of your old school yearbooks (or annuals) do you have today? If you let someone read the messages people wrote in them, would they think you were popular, not popular, or somewhere in between?
I have all 5 - four from high school and one from college. That I wasn't popular is for sure but I went to a small high school so you knew everybody. I was more of a novelty because I was of a different race in a school where the kids were as exposed to other races.